Sunday, January 31, 2021

Dominick Bellamy_Photographer 1 & 2

     The first photographer I decided to look at was Julia Fullerton-Batten who working on a project called Looking Out From Within. This project caught my eye at first because of how amazing the images look and the fact that they're being shot from an outsider view. The composition and quality of every image is amazing along with the cool colors outside mixed with the warm colors on the inside. After reading about the work, It makes the project stand out even more not being able to shoot her first idea because of Covid, but still being able to make it work.

The 2nd Photographer I decided to look at is Sayuri Ichida whose project is called Mayu. She takes this ballet dancer and photographs her on the sidewalk in various positions. On stage, ballet dancers have to be so precise and uptight, but Ichida takes her out of the element and tells her to be carefree. The composition, along with the concept of the photos makes this series good. I also chose to look at this project because it kind of relates to the project that I would like to do with music. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Anna Reeve _ Photographer 1 & 2

 Magda Biernat:

This series was the first to pop up when I typed in my keyword of  'traveling'. The first photo was the exact feeling I was going for, and it wasn't until I looked at the second photo, and then finally the title of 'The Edge of Knowing', was when I truly wrapped my brain around it. As I continued to read the articles, as well as taking some time to look at the photographs produced, it all lined up in the sense of telling the story, not through the onlooker's eyes, but truly through what the photographer saw and what she wanted to produce. These photos interpret the feeling and wanting of what I would like to interpret in the photos I will later produce. The resemblance in these photographs brings back the feeling of home, and that is a partial takeaway I would like to have when producing my own photos for this series. 

Dan Younger:

Just as I did before I used a keyword to search, with it being similar, yet different, I used the word 'travel' to find either a different series of photographs, or just a new genre overall. This photographer's series really grabbed my attention through the color and composition of what was being presented. It was again, the first two photographs that truly grabbed my attention and truly detailed what I wanted to capture. This series compared to the first, really details the excitement and composition, not only in the color but the activity that was captured. These details accentuate a similar feeling as to what I want my viewers to feel when viewing my own series but including what is presented in the first series as well.

Dan Younger: 'PLACES: Observations while Traveling'

Wednesday, January 27, 2021



 Maggie Meiner  

I came across her series “Revisiting Rockwell” and was intrigued by her recreations of the famous paintings.  Rockwell himself created the paintings based off photographs he took and now to have this artist recreate them into the original format the inspiration started has an interesting aspect to it.  While she could be seen as “copying” the original artist, I am drawn to the attention to detail as well as the modern context she has added to them.  Her work here is a bit motivating for me and how I can use the inspirations of the past but add in the modern elements for the compositions in this project.  

Maggie Meiners: Revisiting Rockwell - LENSCRATCH


Stephanie Dean

This photographer’s project “Modern Groceries” stuck out to me because the concept of her project is very similar to mine.  She uses commons foods and arranges them in compositions that reflect Dutch still life paintings.  The lighting and symbolism of the composition allows the viewer to naturally explore as well as interpret what it means to them.  I am also attracted to the work as the longer you view it, the more details can emerge (bugs, wrappers, etcs…).  While it is a bit discouraging to find a project very similar to that I am exploring, I am remaining positive and using to aid in my research.   

Stephanie Dean - LENSCRATCH

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 Eitan_Stern_ Photographer 1&2

Rodrigo Abd  Photographer

Roberto Abd's journalist work shows a lot of empathy for the subjects of his work. he tells in is photos the story of suffering of people in different place on the globe mainly in area of political conflicts like Syria, Libya, or Guatemala

of of his series tells the story of finding the  burying the remains of the people who were massacred by Guatemala's army in the eighties' in the area of the village of Sololá. i visited Sololá in 1992. seeing the photo's highlight for me the importance of journalist photography of paying the world attention for injustice and the need to be active to fight injustice. 

in my work i try to address social issues around me. i started (before corona) to photograph amd interview homeless people in Ghent, where I live. i am trying to raise the awareness of homelessness in our neighborhood and show the human persons in those faces.

Dorotha Lange

the work of Dorotha Lange has great empathy for people and their suffering. Dorotha Lange was one of the photographers that were hired by the federal government in the thirties of the 20th century to document the great depression. her work touched me in her sensitivity and empathy for the people she documented, their life, their struggle with the shortage.
her sensitivity and human approach to the people she photographed is an example for me when i take portraits. 
her work can be found :

Monday, January 11, 2021

Welcome to the Photo 3 Blog for Spring 2021!
