Pipilotti Rist
A Swiss video artist that focuses on making statements about gender, body, sexuality, and pop culture through her videos. Rist argues that video work is comparable to a particularly spacious woman's handbag. That is to say, it's a medium with "room in for everything: painting, technology, language, music, lousy flowing pictures, poetry, commotion, premonitions of death, sex and friendliness."
Ever Is Over All
Joan Jonas
She was known for her performance videos of the 1960s and 70s. Through her art, Joan was able to convey female identity through the roles that she would assume in her video art. Costumes and masks are items that helped form messages in her work.
Left Side Right Side
Paul Pfeiffer
Pfeiffer uses video, sculpture, and photography and recent computer technologies to dissect the role that mass media plays in shaping consciousness. He is drawn to moments intended for mass audiences (live sports events, stadium concert tours, televised game shows, celebrity glamour shots), which he samples and re-edits to expose an emptiness underneath.
Still Life
Lucy Raven
With a focus in animation and the moving image, Raven’s creative process incorporates still photography, installation, sound, and performative lecture. Her work deploys image-making processes used in twenty-first-century filmmaking, which often hide the underlying labor in order to investigate the impact of industrial systems and technology within a global infrastructure.
When Horses Were Coconuts