Ole Marius Joergensen, a Norwegian photographer, in his photo-series "Vignettes of a Salseman," follows the journey of a fictional salesman through staged somewhat photographs. Joergensen, with the help of his uncle who is depicted as the salesman, traveled for hours with his uncle to find the perfect locations at the perfect times in order to create these scenes. Much of Joergensen's work utilizes vintage style which I find perfectly compliment the Norwegian landscapes. What drew me to this series and photographer in particular is the simplicity of the imagery and the clear story telling of the series. Though story telling is not something I'm particularly interested in, it is done well and the tone of loneliness coupled with the mystery of the man- not to mention the vintage style- is alluring to me.
Nadia Lee Cohen, graduate of the London College of Fashion, combines heavily saturated colors with over-the-top hair, makeup, and clothing to produce eye catching images. Many of the photos utilize an array of different prints and patterns to create which may almost come off as tacky and off putting to some, but are pleasantly interesting to me. I'm inspired by the scene set-ups, but most importantly, I am inspired by the different perspectives used in each photo.
Warning: (link) NSFW
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