Sunday, April 7, 2019


Petra Cortright: "Self Portraits"

Petra Cortright is a visual artist whose work is heavily influenced by the use of green screen and visual video effects in a lot of her other works.  I find her art weird but interesting at the same time, I'm not sure "Self Portraits" is supposed to have a deeper meaning or is trying to make a statement in any way, either way visually her work draws and you can't help to watch her videos over and over again, and makes you ask question "what is her purpose for doing this"?  whether it's intentional or not it definitely works for her style of art.

Stuart Hilton: "STANLEY SCANLEY"

Stuart Hilton's project titled "STANLEY SCANLEY explained in Hilton's words ("My son Stanley has his brain scanned in slices for science purposes only") is essentially a video compilation of his son Stanley brain being scanned in slow motion timed in with can only be described as ominous,  futuristic, psychedelic music. That only strengthens the visuals of the brain being scanned from different angles. 

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