Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mia-Myline Medina_Lise Sarfati/ Jasmine Gibson_Week #6

Though French-Algerian artist, Lise Sarfati, has taken part in many publications, collections, and exhibitions, not much is shared online about her. Sarfati's photography is classified under Contemporary Portrait photography with implied narratives. I find her photography to have a beautiful combination of Deadpan and Tableau aspects to them. My own work will follow this style as well. I believe the a detailed setting/stage allows the subject to have a greater amount of freedom when it comes to showing emotion- or not showing emotion. The viewer is then able to make subjective interpretations and presumptions of what is happening which may provide a deeper, more profound impact on them.

Brooklyn based poet and psychoanalyst, Jasmine Gibson, has written for a variety of publications such as "Mask Magazine and LIES Vol II: Journal of Materialist feminism, Queen Mobs, NON, The Capilano Review and has published a chapbook, Drapetomania (Commune Editions, 2015)." Psychoanalysis, sex, desire, and trauma are all themes within Drapetomania. There is very little information about Gibson on the internet, however, but while poetry is the focus of the book from which these photos were taken, the photos themselves are a great source of inspiration for my own series. The warm, dim lighting draws on a darker mood which is the goal of my photography. I've been stewing on a particular setting and composition that I would like to capture that utilizes Polaroids as a low-key aspect of the story being told, much like these photos in particular and this was the perfect time to stumble upon these images.

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