Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Justin Partain_Blogger Post 7&8

 Heléna Dupre Thompson

For my 7th artist I choose Heléna Dupre Thompson for her series, Bridge City Diary. This series is a five-year, ongoing study, examining Portland’s street utility poles. On her thoughts about the pools she is stated as saying, "They’ve been utilized to speak out against racial inequities and to advocate for affordable housing. They absorb the forces of nature and the physical expressions of Portland’s population- scribbling, ripping, torching, spitting, etc. In addition, these paper landscapes are targets of removal in an attempt to “clean up the city”. These efforts to clean and control add to the constant change and tension of these communal canvases."

Sheri Lynn Behr

For my 8th artist I choose Sheri Lynn Behr for her series, “And You Were There, Too” which makes light of surveillance and facial recognition by taking the tools that are used and turning those tools on their head (literally and figuratively) in photographing friends, colleagues, and participants in photo events that she attended without their knowing they were being photographed. In essence she was utilizing a technique that she has warned about in the past to prove a point about the threats and fallacies of facial recognition software. The work shifts back and forth shifts back and forth between highly manipulated, computer-enhanced imagery and recognizable documentary-style photographs.

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