Sunday, February 12, 2017

Mollie Schaidt Week 4

Marina Font

Marina Font, Mental Maps, explores the female body in three ways, biological, psychological, and social. Font connects these concepts with mixed media-- portraying women nude, standing tall, and covered in "women's work". Mental Maps looks into the females emotions and "Through these works I intend to shed imaginary light on the female experience in order to build idealized and fantastical connections to the forces of the unconscious. – Marina Font"
Patty Carroll

Patty Carroll, Anonymous Women: Reconstructed, creates still-life narratives of women lost in their domestic trappings and activities. These blinding images comment on how women have a obsession with collecting, decorating, and designing. The artist speaks through these narratives about her life growing up in the suburbs, and during the time when "a woman's place was at home". How lives and homes were idealistic and everything was tidy, matched,  and were "normal". Carroll wanted to create a satire on this belief and debunk the misconceptions.

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