Friday, January 21, 2022

Tyarria Duncan_ Blogger Post 3&4.

These photographs were captured by a photographer named Megan Jacobs. The name of this series  is called HIDDEN MOTHERS and MI FAMILA.   These are a representation of where mothers are seen as the anchors to hold their children in place.  The photographs are focusing on the child more than the mother. Without seeing the mother it. shows that most people care more about the children than the mother making them appear invisible. Which is seen as a huge issue. 

Osamu James Nakagawa: KAI: FOLLOWING THE  CIRCLE OF LIFE.   He decided to take images of different generations and show a version of the circle of life. He's acknowledging the past but he's also acknowledging the future and the present times too. He shows that growing up and growing old and also dying isn't as easy it some people make it appear. 

1 comment:

  1. Great choices. I like that you are thinking outside the box.
