Saturday, January 29, 2022

Victoria_Risbon Photographers 5 & 6

 Oliver Raschka:

Raschka is a photographer who studies and got a degree in behavioral economics and that can be seen in his photographs which are centered around family and finding identity, commonly in a documentary format. The photos are pulled from his series The World Ain't Enough... and are in black and white like most of the photos he makes. I am attracted to these photos because I enjoy how the light sources look in all these photos and I think the way that he has them posed is interesting to look at. I like the top image the best out of these five,

I think it's fascinating looking around the photo from the little boy to the fire to the back ground lightly lit and then looking back around to figure out what exactly is the little boy doing. Raschka was photographing his sons throughout his photos. The third photo is of the book he published of this series. 

Sylwia Kowalczyk:
trompes-oeils: a way of styling or decorating in such a manner that it creates an illusion 

Kowalczyk is a polish photographer who uses optical illusions to "to create an ambiguity about what is real and what isn’t and is always using analogue trompes-oeils to look at memory, identity, fear, illusion and distortion." ( I really found these interesting as it was something I came across that I was not expecting to see at that moment, I found myself staring at these photos longer than I thought I would. I really enjoy the "ripped image" they have going on, I think that it adds to the character of the photo itself and changes the "put together look" into something a little more interesting versus if they had chose to just blend the images together. My favorite ones of the photos below is the third one down of the woman "facing" herself, I like the composition and I feel like it is very relatable to me from the take away I get from it. 


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